Written by Prognog Staff

Vestas Wind Turbine
There have been a host of interesting articles on the wind energy industry lately, with several mentions of the Dutch wind turbine company, Vestas.  These include one in Forbes, the Seattle Times, the one we mentioned recently in Der Spiegel, and a host of other in Australia mentioning recent closures.

These articles don't really have much in common besides the fact that they talk about wind energy and mention Vestas.  However, they show an increasing interest in the wind energy industry--beyond the repetitive fluff articles that wind energy is the next big thing.  This awareness is ultimately satisfying for proponents of wind power as it brings to light many of the concerns needed to move the great potential of wind power forward.

Interesting, though, some of the specifics of the articles.  The Seattle Times brings up something not often discussed, the shortage of wind turbines and the price surge this is causing for wind energy.  Vestas is working on becoming more of a player here, according to the Forbes article, but interestingly enough, is closing manufacturing plants in Australia citing the "green energy market unviable."

I hope this is not the case here and that the industry is able to work through these problems and make wind energy power a viable source of electricity.

[photo courtesy of Vestas Wind Systems A/S]